Access 5.x

Initiating extended running via Digital input

Momentary or toggle switch is used to activate DI of the extended running.

If the momentary switched is used - extended operation stop delay time has to be set.

In case of maintained switch - the extended operation will be active as long as the switch is on.

Example of setting digital input activated extended running


Available options & Selection


Activation of the function

Configuration > Functions > Function activation

Extended operation

| No | Yes |

Configuration of the function

Configuration > Functions > Extended operation

Extended operation low speed

| No | Yes |

Activate operation level(s) to be used in extended running

Extended operation normal speed

| No | Yes |

Extended operation high speed

| No | Yes |

Configure inputs

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Digital inputs >

Extended operation normal speed

Any available I/O

Running time

Time settings

Extended operation stop delay

[0] min

Extended running will stop in 0 minutes after deactivation of the DI