Access 5.x


The CU-27 and CU-40 controllers contain dedicated ports for Ethernet, HMI and EFX display and three RS-485 ports for communication to internal and external modbus components.

Int-link 1/2 is a single port split into two connectors. It is intended for connection to internal components of the AHU.

BMS port intended for connection to building management system.

Ext-link port intended for connection to external components of the ventilation system.

EFX port for ED-RUx room unit.

The intended use of Int-link, BMS and Ext-link isn't obligatory but recommended to follow.

Ethernet – for connecting to local TCP/IP network

HMI – for connecting NaviPad. This connector support PoE (Power over Ethernet) therefore no additional power source for NaviPad is needed.