Access 5.x

Fan compensation

Regardless of active fan level, the actual fan speed can be adjusted if it is necessary by defining the compensation curves.

The function allows to set up to three independent curves. They can be used to set a compensation based on the configured analogue input signal (temperature, pressure, flow humidity, CO2).

The compensation can be selected to apply to both fans or only one of the fans, to low, normal, high or all speeds and only when defrosting.

The curve has three parameter pairs which correspond to the value of the compensation at three different related sensor values.

Configuration example for CO2 level related fan speed compensation


Available options & Selection


Activate fan compensation curves

Configuration > Functions > Function activation

Fan compensation curves

| Yes | No |

Configuration of the fan compensation curve

Configuration > Functions > Fan compensation curve 1

Fan level

| All levels | Low speed | Normal speed | High speed | Low + Normal speed |

| Normal + High speed |

Selection of fan, fan level and operation mode when the compensation is active


| Inactive | In all modes | When defrosting |


| Supply air + Extract air | Supply air |

| Extract air |


… | CO2 room/extract air | …

Reference sensor for compensation

Configure inputs

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog inputs

CO2 room/extract air

Any available I/O

Operational settings for fan compensation curves

Data & Settings > Fan control > Fan compensation curves > Fan compensation curve 1 >

Fan level

All levels

Overview of configuration


In all modes


Supply air fan + Extract air fan


CO2 room/extract air

Compensation curve

Sensor value


Data & Settings > Fan control > Fan compensation curves > Fan compensation curve 1 >

Lowest sensor value

500 ppm

0 Pa

Middle sensor value

600 ppm

35 Pa

Highest sensor value

800 ppm

60 Pa