Access 5.x


To set up a function in the access controller you need to be logged in as Service to access the configuration menu.

Login step






Open the log in window

Select service from drop down list

Type in password


Press Login

After login quick configuration can be performed via configuration wizard (if enabled from the factory) or by following a 4-step procedure.

The usual configuration procedure includes "Activation" > "Configuration" > "Allocation" > "Operational settings".

Please note that not all functions require all four steps. The general procedure for setting up a function is described below.

This manual provides examples of the function configuration in a form of tables.

To recreate setup the configuration steps in the table should be followed top to bottom.

Configuration step


Navigation path


Configuration > Functions > Function activation >

Temperature control type

Activate a function in a list of available functions (e.g. heater).

Fan control type

Heating/Cooling sequence setup

Fan levels



Configuration > Functions >

Temperature control

Select the function's configuration (e.g. if heater is water, electric etc.).

Fan control




Configuration > I/O allocation settings >

Analog inputs > Outdoor temperature

Select the function's configuration (e.g. if heater is water, electric etc.). Caution

Do no use the same in- or output for several functions.

Analog inputs > Supply temperature


Digital inputs > Extended operation

Digital inputs > External alarm


Analog outputs > Heating (SEQ-A)

Analog outputs > Exchanger (SEQ-B)


Digital outputs > Heating pump (SEQ-A)

Digital outputs > Cooling pump (SEQ-C)


Operational settings

Data & Settings >

Temperature control >

Setup how the function will work (e.g. setpoints, limits etc.)

Fan control >

Demand control >


Note:        When the installation is complete and all functions are tested it is recommended to save a local backup of the current configuration in the control unit.

Select Yes on Save commissioning settings in the Configuration > System settings > Save and restore settings menu

Frequently used configuration guides:

Alarm configuration

Fan control type (Pressure)

Temperature control type (Room)

Extended operation

Fan compensation

Air quality control (Fan start/stop)

Fire/Smoke function

Free cooling

External cooler (DX)

External heater (Water)


External stop

Support control