Access 5.x

Temperature controllers > Neutral zone

Neutral zone allows energy conservation while still keeping the supply air temperature at comfort level.

The Access supports three types of neutral zone. The neutral zone is configured by setting width and position of it.

Settings and configuration for neutral zone


Available options & Selection


Neutral zone type

Configuration > Functions > Temperature control

Neutral zone type

|1/2 neutral zone |

| Neutral zone to cooling |

| Neutral zone to heating |

default: [1/2 neutral zone]

Neutral zone width

Data & Settings > Temperature control > Supply air controller

Neutral zone

[0] oC

Setpoint & 1/2 Neutral zone

The neutral zone is equally divided for heating and for cooling.


Setpoint = 18 oC

Neutral zone = 2 oC

The neutral zone is split in half and two new setpoints created:

Heating Setpoint = 17 oC

The controller will enable active heating only below 17 oC. Active heating is disabled once 17 oC is reached.

Cooling Setpoint = 19 oC

The controller will enable active cooling only above 19 oC. Active cooling is disabled once 19 oC is reached.

Setpoint & Neutral zone to cooling

The neutral zone is active in case of cooling demand.


Setpoint = 18 oC

Neutral zone = 2 oC

The neutral zone covers temperature range above the setpoint and one new setpoint for cooling is created:

Heating Setpoint = 18 oC

Heating Setpoint matches the temperature setpoint.

The controller will enable active heating only below 18 oC. Active heating is disabled once 18 oC is reached.

Cooling Setpoint = 20 oC

The controller will enable active cooling only above 20 oC. Active cooling is disabled once 20 oC is reached.

Setpoint & Neutral zone to heating

The neutral zone is active in case of heating demand.


Setpoint = 18 oC

Neutral zone = 2 oC

The neutral zone covers temperature range below the setpoint and one new setpoint for heating is created:

Heating Setpoint = 16 oC

The controller will enable active heating only below 16 oC. Active heating is disabled once 16 oC is reached.

Cooling Setpoint = 18 oC

Cooling Setpoint matches the temperature setpoint.

The controller will enable active cooling only above 18 oC. Active cooling is disabled once 18 oC is reached.