Access 5.x

Heating power meter (water heater)

Energy insight monitors how much power the water heater is adding to the airflow to heat it up.

The formula for added power calculation:


Heater valve leakage monitors ΔT then output of the heater's sequence is 0% (no need for active heating). The increase of the ΔT by more than 2 oC indicates the leak of the heater valve and triggers alarm AL-187 Leakage heater valve.

Configuration of Energy insight function for logging energy added by the water heater and monitoring for valve leak


Available options & Selection


Activate Energy insight function

Configuration > Functions > Function activation

Energy insight

| Yes | No |

Configuration of the Energy insight function

Configuration > Functions > Energy insight

Energy usage presentation: Heater

| Yes | No |

Heater inlet air temperature

| Efficiency temperature exchanger | Extra sensor 1..5 |

Sensors for measuring temperature of the air in inlet and outlet of the water heater

Heater outlet air temperature

| Supply air temperature | Extra sensor 1..5 |

Heater valve leakage delta-T

[2.0] oC

Alarm AL-187 Leakage heater valve is triggered if the heater is adding more than +2 oC to the passing air then heating is not required (indicating valve leakage)

Operational settings

Data & Settings > Energy insight

Power usage heater

___ kW

Indication of current heater power

Data & Settings > Energy insight > Today and last 7 days: Heater

Used energy: Fans




___ kWh

Daily energy addition during the last 7 days

Today -7 days

___ kWh

Data & Settings > Energy insight > Monthly up to 3 years back: Heater

Used energy: Fans

Year | Year -1 | Year -2 | Unit



___   |    ___    |    ___    | kWh

Energy added per month


___   |    ___    |    ___    | kWh


___   |    ___    |    ___    | MWh

Energy added per year

Data & Settings > Energy insight > Energy meter

Used energy: Heater

___ kWh

Energy added by the heater since the last reset of the meter

Meter started

date & time

Date and time the power meter was last reset

Meter reset

| Yes | No |

Reset power meter by choosing | Yes |