Access 5.x

Sequential step controller

Each output step has individually settable on and off values in percent of the control signal. The number of steps is equal to the number of heater/cooler groups.

The general delay time for change of level state (On to Off to On ...) can be set.

An analog output signal can also be used to fill out between the steps. The analog output signal will go 0…100 % between the activation of each step.

Example of setting 4 step sequential step controller for cooling sequence


Available options & Selection


Configuration of the step controller

Configuration > Functions > Function activation > Heating/Cooling sequence setup > Step controller 1

Step controller sequence

... | Cooling | …

Sequence to control a step controller

Step control type

| Sequential | Binary |

Number of steps

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Block output if sequence feedback alarm

| No | Yes |

Configure outputs

Configuration > I/O allocation settings >

Analog outputs > Step controller 1

Any available I/O

Digital outputs > Step controller 1 step 1

Digital outputs > Step controller 1 step 2

Digital outputs > Step controller 1 step 3

Digital outputs > Step controller 1 step 4

Operational settings

Data & Settings > Temperature control > Cooling

Min switch time

[60] s

Minimum time the step has to be inactive or active for a change to occur

Step 1 start point

[10] %

Start point - output of sequence at which the step switches on | Stop point - output of sequence at which the step switches off

Step 1 stop point

[5] %

Step 2 start point

[45] %

Step 2 stop point

[40] %

Step 3 start point

[70] %

Step 3 stop point

[65] %

Step 4 start point

[95] %

Step 4 stop point

[90] %

Block step 1 if supply air fan output signal <

[0] %

Individual disabling of steps in relation to the output of the supply air fan

Block step 2 if supply air fan output signal <

[0] %

Block step 3 if supply air fan output signal <

[0] %

Block step 4 if supply air fan output signal <

[0] %

Block step 1 if outdoor temperature <

[13] oC

Step is enabled once the outdoor air temperature is 13 oC | Step is disabled when the temperature drops bellow 12 oC (Enabling temperature - hysteresis)

Block step 2 if outdoor temperature <

[13] oC

Block step 3 if outdoor temperature <

[13] oC

Block step 4 if outdoor temperature <

[13] oC

Block all step if outdoor temperature <

[0] oC

Hysteresis if outdoor temperature block

[1] oC

Operational overview

Data & Settings > Operation overview > Cooling

Cooling (SEQ-C)

__ %

Output of the sequence

Step controller 1 step 1

On | Off

Run indication for each Digital output

Step controller 1 step 2

On | Off

Step controller 1 step 3

On | Off

Step controller 1 step 4

On | Off