Access 5.x

Temperature output

The function enables conversion of a selected temperature to an analog output signal (voltage).

Two temperature values are related to the minimal and maximal voltages of the output signal.

Linear interpolation is used to determine output voltage for the measured temperatures.

For the correct interpretation, the settings of the output must match the settings of the external reading device.

Setting of the temperature output


Available options & Selection


Run indication

Configuration > Functions > Extra indications & outputs

Temperature output

| Select I/O |

| Outdoor temperature |

| Intake air temperature | …

Select temperature to convert to voltage signal

Temperature at Vmin


Two point for the linear curve

Temperature at Vmax


Allocate analog output

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog outputs

Temperature output

Any available I/O

Configure output

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog outputs > Temperature output


[Temperature output]

Editable output name

Original name

Temperature output

Range output

| 0-10 V |

Vmin = 0V ... Vmax = 10V

| 2-10 V |

Vmin = 2V ... Vmax = 10V

| 10-2 V |

Vmin = 10V ... Vmax = 2V

| 10-0 V |

Vmin = 10V ... Vmax = 0V