Access 5.x

Zone control: Room cascade configuration example

Ventilated premises is a shop-floor with a office inside it. Office zone requires additional heating and cooling to maintain comfort temperature.

Output of the office heater/cooler is being controlled by the zone controller in accordance to the room temperature.

Configuration example of zone control


Available options & Selection


Activate temperature control type

Configuration > Functions > Function activation

Zone control

| No | 1 Zone | 2 zones | 3 Zones |


Activate sensors & additional options

Configuration > Functions > Zone control

Zone control limitation

| None | Interlock heating/cooling |

Interlock zone heating and cooling with the main supply controller

Temperature zone 1 >

Configure temperature zone

Configuration > Functions > Zone control > Temperature zone 1


[Temperature zone 1] > Office

Name the zone

Original name

Temperature zone 1

Temperature control mode

| Supply air | Room cascade |

| Extract air cascade |

Supply temperature adjusted according to room temperature

Type of heating

| None | Water | Electric |

Heater related settings

Freeze protection

| No | Yes |

Pump control

| No | Always running | Auto |

Type of feedback

| None | Alarm | Run indication |

Digital start output

| No | Yes | Yes with flow interlock |

Heating output min limit

[0] %

Heating output max limit

[100] %

Type of cooling

| None | Water | DX |

Cooler related settings

Pump control

| No | Always running | Auto |

Type of feedback

| None | Alarm | Run indication |

Digital start output

| No | Yes | Yes with flow interlock |

Cooling output min limit

[0] %

Cooling output max limit

[100] %

PID Settings

Configuration > PID controllers > Temperature zone 1 - Heating


[10] oC

Heater PID


[100] s


[0] s

Configuration > PID controllers > Temperature zone 1 - Cooling


[10] oC

Cooler PID


[100] s


[0] s

Configuration > PID controllers > Temperature zone 1 - Cascade


[100] oC

Room temperature controller PID


[300] s


[0] s

Interface to the zone sensors and valves

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog inputs

Supply air temperature zone 1

Any available input

Zone temperature sensors

Room air temperature zone 1

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog outputs

Heating zone 1

Any available output

Valve control signals

Cooling zone 1

Operational settings

Data & Settings > Temperature control > Temperature zone 1

Room air temperature zone 1

__ oC

Actual room temperature

Setpoint room

[18.0] oC

Desired room temperature

Min limit supply air

[12.0] oC

Temperature limitations for the zone supply air

Max limit supply air

[30.0] oC

Actual setpoint supply air

__ oC

Actual supply air temperature

Operation overview

Data & Settings > Operation overview > Temperature zone 1

Temperature control mode

Room cascade

Indication of selected control mode

Room air temperature zone 1

__ oC

Actual room temperature

Setpoint room

__ oC

Desired room temperature

Actual setpoint supply air

__ oC

Heating zone 1

__ %

Valve control signals

Cooling zone 1

__ %