Access 5.x

Changeover configuration example

Changeover is a separate unit providing both heating and cooling on demand. The changeover is a standalone unit with separate controller present. The demand for heating or cooling is switched and regulated from the hardwired Access controller.

The table below shows a configuration example of the changeover unit.


Available options & Selection


Sequence selection

Configuration > Functions > Function activation > Heating/Cooling sequence setup

Sequence for heating

|...| SEQ-G Heating 2 | SEQ-H |...|

Sequence for cooling

|...| SEQ-G | SEQ-H Cooling 2 |...|

Sequence settings

Configuration > Functions > Function activation > Heating/Cooling sequence setup > Heating 2

Type of sequence

|...| Heating |...|

Type of heater

| Water | Electric| DX | Combi coil |

Type of feedback

| None | Alarm | Run indication |

Digital start output

| No | Yes |

Sequence output when recirculation/support

| 0% | 100% | Auto |

Sequence output min limit


Sequence output max limit


Sequence output when the unit is stopped


Configuration > Functions > Function activation > Heating/Cooling sequence setup > Cooling 2

Type of sequence

|Cooling |...|

Type of cooler

| Water | DX | DX with exchanger control |

Type of feedback

| None | Alarm | Run indication |

Digital start output

| No | Yes |

Sequence output when recirculation/support

| 0% | 100% | Auto |

Sequence output min limit


Sequence output max limit


Sequence output when the unit is stopped


Changeover settings

Configuration > Functions > Function activation > Heating/Cooling sequence setup > Changeover settings

Changeover 1

Changeover sequence for heating

… | Disabled | …

Changeover sequence for cooling

… | Disabled | …

Changeover 2

Changeover sequence for heating

… | Heating 2 | …

Changeover sequence for cooling

… | Cooling 2 | …

PID Settings

Configuration > PID controllers > Heating 2


10 oC


100 s


0 s

Configuration > PID controllers > Cooling 2


10 oC


100 s


0 s

Hardwired interface to the pump & valve

Configuration > I/O allocation settings >

Digital inputs > Feedback Heating 2 (SEQ-G)

Any available I/O

Digital inputs > Feedback cooling 2 (SEQ-H)

Digital inputs > Cooling/(Heating) changeover 2

Digital inputs > Lock PID controller supply

Digital outputs > Cooling 2 start (SEQ-H)

Digital outputs > Changeover 2

Analog outputs > Changeover 2

Heater starting and stopping

Data & Settings > Temperature control > Heating 2

Digital start output start point


Output of the supply controller to start and stop the heater

Digital start output stop point


Cooling control settings

Data & Settings > Temperature control > Cooling 2

Digital start output start point


Output of the supply controller to start and stop the DX cooler

Digital start output stop point


Block DX-cooling if outdoor temperature <

0 oC

Block DX-cooling if supply air fan output signal <


Hysteresis if outdoor temperature block

1 oC

Reduction of min limit supply air if active DX-cooling

5 oC

Graphical representation


58 % - indicates the output of either Heating 2 sequence or Cooling 2 sequence (depending if there is a demand for heating or cooling)