Access 5.x

Extra sensors

Extra sensors are used for supervision of temperatures that are not related to any control functions.

Access can handle up to 5 extra sensors. Each of these temperature signals can be supplemented with alarms for high and low limit.

Additional alarm is for monitoring state of the sensor (if it is connected and working properly

Configuration of the extra sensors


Available options & Selection


Number of extra sensors

Configuration > Functions > Extra sensors & inputs

Extra sensors

| No | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Allocate analog input

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog inputs >

Extra sensor 1

Any available I/O

Configure input

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog inputs > Extra sensor 1


[ Extra sensor 1 ]

Editable name

Original name

Extra sensor 1

Sensor type

| Temperature | ...

Other sensor types are reserved for future

Signal type

| PT1000 |

| 0-10 V |

Vmin = 0V ... Vmax = 10V

Filter factor

[ 0.2 ]



[ 0.0 ]


Configure alarms and set alarm levels

Configuration > Alarms > Analog input > 2135 Extra sensor 1

Action fault

Set action if sensor is faulty

Action low limit

[10] oC

Set action if temperature drops bellow low limit

Action high limit

[30] oC

Set action if temperature exceeds high limit



Values of the measured extra temperatures are displayed at the bottom of the flowchart: