Access 4.5 and later releases

Filter range calibration

The flow / pressure drop curve can be set by the filter calibration function or adjusted manually. The advantage of calibration is that final pressure drop of the new filter is set more precisely which usually results in extended filter life.

Calibration can only be performed on the new filter. During the calibration process, the initial pressure drop is measured at close to nominal airflow. Acceptable airflow deviation for calibration is 10% of the setpoint.

The measured value is added to the filter class specific pressure drop, resulting in the calculated final pressure drop.

Settings for filter calibration and classification setup


Available options & Selection


Filter calibration settings

Configuration > Functions > Filter monitoring > Filter classification setup

Max setpoint deviation fan at calibration

[10] %

Calibration is allowed if filter air flow deviates from setpoint no more than 10%

Max time for filter calibration

[10] min

Calibration will be aborted after 10 min from starting

Filter classification

Additional final pressure drop

The additional pressure drop to the initially measured pressure drop value of the new filter

G2..G4 / Course 30..95%

[50] Pa

M5..M6 / ePM2.5..ePM10 50..90%

[100] Pa

F7..F9 / ePM1 60..95%

[100] Pa


[100] Pa

Carbon filter

[100] Pa

Prior to calibration the filter monitor must me assigned with the filter class. The calibration sequence is similar for all filters and can be performed according to the following example:

Filter classification, calibration and overview




Available options & Selection




Activate filter monitoring function



Configuration > Functions > Function activation



Filter monitoring

| Yes | No |



Assignment of the filter classification



Configuration > Functions > Filter monitoring





Supply air filter

| No | Sensor | Guard |

Selecting monitor type for appropriate filters



Filter classification

| - | G2..G4 | M5..M6 | F7..F9 | HEPA | Carbon filter |

Select filter classification to add class specific pressure drop to the initial measurement










Data & Settings > Filter monitoring > Filter calibration >



Supply air pre-filter

Toggle switch "On" and select filters to be calibrated



Supply air filter



Supply air end-filter



Extract air pre-filter



Extract air filter



Calibrate filters

| No | Yes |

Initiate calibration by selecting "Yes"



Filter information



Data & Settings > Filter monitoring > Supply air filter



Reference flow

Supply air fan flow | Exchanger supply air flow

Indication of the airflow which is passing through the filter



Filter classification

F7..F9 / ePM1 60..95%

Indication of the filter classification





Initial pressure drop at air flow

50 Pa

Pressure drop of the new filter



Final pressure drop at filter air flow

150 Pa

Pressure drop (at calibration airflow) to consider filter as dirty





Filter airflow

2000 m3/h

Calibration performed at air flow





Calibration made

12/14/2021 15:20

Calibration date/time stamp





Manual alarm limit


Alarm limit can be set manually (calibration will not be valid anymore !)






Data & Settings > Operation overview > Filter monitoring



Pressure filter supply air

63 Pa

Actual pressure drop of the filter



Calculated filter alarm limit

135 Pa

Alarm limit is recalculated to the actual air flow





Filter remaining


Remaining filter capacity



Chapter info                              

Last reviewed: 09/16/2021

Access version: 4.6-1-00 (3068)