Access 5.x

Support control

Support control function maintains room temperature during scheduled "Stop" period.

If during "Stop" hours the room temperature deviates off preset limits - the AHU is started for heating or cooling.

Support control function requires room temperature signal to operate.

It is possible to heat / cool recirculated room air instead of fresh air if the AHU is recirculation capable.

Use of extract air fan can also be enabled if position of the fan placement makes it reasonable.

Settings and configuration Support control


Available options & Selection


Activate support control function

Configuration > Functions > Function activation

Support control

| Yes | No |


Activate room sensor

Configuration > Functions > Temperature control

Room temperature sensor

| No | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |


Configure inputs

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Analog inputs >

Room temperature 1

Any available I/O


Activate recirculation & extract air fan (optional)

Configuration > Functions > Support control

Recirculation during support control

| Yes | No |

Enable only if available and reasonable to run

Extract air fan running during support control

| Yes | No |

Operational settings

Data & Settings > Demand control > Support control

Support control mode

Off | Active heating | Active cooling

Indication of function status

Min time for support control

[20] min

Minimal run time for heating or cooling

Room temperature

__ oC

Actual room temperature

Start heating room temperature

[15] oC

Heating will start if room temperature drops bellow 15 oC. Heating will stop then 21 oC temperature is reached and minimal time for running has passed.

Stop heating room temperature

[21] oC

Setpoint heating

30 oC

Max limit supply air is used as heating setpoint

Start cooling room temperature

[30] oC

Cooling will start if room temperature rises above 30 oC. Cooling will stop then 28 oC temperature is reached and minimal time for running has passed.

Stop cooling room temperature

[28] oC

Setpoint cooling

12 oC

Min limit supply air is used as cooling setpoint