Access 5.x

Fire and Smoke

The described functions can be used, but must be in line with the local regulations. Verification need to be done or can be enquired by the local Systemair organization.

The Access has the special running modes in case of active fire alarm (6010) or smoke alarm (6015).

Those alarms can be activated via digital inputs. Specialized smoke detector input can also be utilized to activate one mode of choice.

Once activated, the Fire or Smoke mode will be active until alarm signal is present and alarm has not been acknowledged.

Than active - Fire/Smoke modes override the normal operation and force predefined operation, fan speed and position of the dampers.

"Smoke" mode has priority over normal operation. "Fire" mode has priority over Smoke and normal operation.

Operation mode can be set to:

  • Stopped - unit stops
  • Continuous run - operation schedule is ignored and the unit runs continuously (Caution: If severe alarms such as Freeze protection are ignored, it might cause damage to the water coils)
  • Running via normal start/stop conditions - operation continues according to the schedule
  • Supply air fan run - just supply air fan runs (the extract fan stops)
  • Extract air fan run - just extract air fan runs (the supply fan stops)

Custom fan speed can be set if use of the fans have been enabled by the operation mode. It can be set to:

  • Auto - Fan runs to the normal operation setpoint (set in Data & Settings > Fan control > Fan setpoints)
  • Manual setpoint - Custom setpoint the fan runs to (Desired duct pressure or airflow)
  • Manual output - Percentage value of the fan output
  • Low / Normal / High speed setpoint - Forced operation at specified fan level

Outdoor and Extract air dampers can also be forced to opened or closed position:

  • Normal function (follow the fan) - damper opens if the fan is running and closes once the fan stops;
  • Always open - Forced opening of the damper during Fire or Smoke mode;
  • Always closed - Forced closing of the damper during Fire or Smoke mode (Caution: Closing of the damper can cause damage it if the fan is running);

Configuration example of the smoke operation mode. Setup for forced start ventilation in case of smoke alarm.


Available options & Selection


Activate smoke function

Configuration > Functions > Function activation


| No | Fire | Smoke |

| Fire + Smoke |

Enable "Smoke" mode

Configuration of the smoke function

Configuration > Functions > Fire/Smoke > Smoke function

Operation mode when smoke alarm

| Stopped |

In case of Smoke alarm the scheduled operation as well as other alarms are ignored

| Continuous run |

| Running via normal start/stop conditions |

| Supply air fan run |

| Extract air fan run |

Supply air fan setpoint when smoke alarm

| Auto |

Fans force start to run at normal speed

| Manual setpoint |

| Manual output |

| Low speed setpoint |

| Normal speed setpoint |

| High speed setpoint |

Extract air fan setpoint when smoke alarm

| Auto |

| Manual setpoint |

| Manual output |

| Low speed setpoint |

| Normal speed setpoint |

| High speed setpoint |

Outdoor air damper function when smoke alarm

| Normal function (follow the fan) |

| Always open | Always closed |

Dampers open while fans are running

Exhaust air damper function when smoke alarm

| Normal function (follow the fan) |

| Always open | Always closed |

Configure input for the smoke alarm

Configuration > I/O allocation settings > Digital inputs

Smoke alarm

Any available input

T1 SMOKE input can be used as an alternative to digital input

Status of the smoke alarm

Data & Settings > Fire/Smoke

Smoke alarm

On | Off

Indication if alarm is active