Access 5.x

Humidification + Dehumidification

The combined mode utilizes both: Humidification and override of the temperature sequence for dehumidification. The setpoint for desired room/extract air humidity is used as a reference for two new setpoints: "Humidification setpoint" and "Dehumidification setpoint". The setpoints are separated by the neutral zone.

Configuration example of combined humidification + dehumidification


Available options & Selection


Activate Humidity control

Configuration > Functions > Function activation

Humidity control

… | Humidification + Dehumidification |

Configure function

Configuration > Functions > Humidity control

Humidity control

Humidification + Dehumidification

Indication of what function has been activated

Select sequence for dehumidify

... | Cooling |...

Sequence to override for dehumidification

Type of output

| Analog | Step | Analog + Step |

| Analog | - 0..10V signal for capacity

| Step| - relay output for start/stop

Neutral zone type

| 1/2 neutral zone |

| Neutral zone to dehumidification |

| Neutral zone to humidification |

Neutral zone explained

PID Settings

Configuration > PID controllers > Humidification


[100] %RH

PID settings to describe responsiveness of the humidifier


[300] s


[0] s

PID output max limit

[100] %

max output of the PID can be limited

Configuration > PID controllers > Dehumidification


[100] %RH

PID settings for dehumidification signal


[300] s


[0] s

PID output max limit

[100] %

max output of the PID can be limited

Hardwired interface

Configuration > I/O allocation settings >

Analog inputs > Humidity room/extract air

Any available I/O

Mandatory - humidity sensor for reference

Analog inputs > Humidity supply air

Optional - for limiting humidity of the supply air

Digital outputs > Humidity control start

Interface to the humidifier

Analog outputs > Humidity control

Operational settings

Data & Settings > Humidity control

Humidity room/extract air

__ %

Actual measured RH

Setpoint humidity room/extract

[50] %RH

Neutral zone extract/room

[20] %RH

Neutral zone explained

Dehumidification setpoint

__ %RH

The new setpoint created out of main setpoint and neutral zone

Humidification setpoint

__ %RH

Max limit humidity supply air

[80] %RH

Limiting of the supply air humidity

Hysteresis for max limit humidity supply air

[20] %RH

Digital output start point

[15] %

DO (Humidity control start) is activated once AO (Humidity control) exceeds 15%

Digital output stop point

[5] %

DO (Humidity control start) is deactivated once AO (Humidity control) falls below 5%

Operation overview

Data & Settings > Operation overview > Humidity

Humidity room/extract air

__ %

Overview of the function in action

Setpoint humidity room/extract

[50] %RH

Dehumidification setpoint

__ %RH

Humidification setpoint

__ %RH

Humidity control

__ %

Humidity control start

Off | On

Humidity control mode

|Not active |

| Humidification |

| Dehumidification |